
I regularly speak at developer conferences, academic conferences, meetups and universities. Below is a list of my keynotes, conference talks, seminars and lectures, with link to slides (and recordings where available).

Date Type Title Venue Place
July 2024 Seminar Introduction to Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers
slides blockchain security consensus
COSIC Course on Cryptography and Cyber Security Leuven
June 2024 Seminar A gentle introduction to Ethereum and Smart Contracts
slides smart contracts ethereum solidity
SecAppDev 2024 (Secure Application Development course) Leuven
June 2024 Seminar Designing ‘Least Authority’ JavaScript apps
slides security javascript
SecAppDev 2024 (Secure Application Development course) Leuven
May 2024 Seminar Blockchains as Trusted Computers: unraveling the tech behind Web3
slides blockchain web3
The Future of Blockchain Platforms Leuven
March 2024 Seminar Object-capabilities meet smart contracts
slides blockchain smart contracts javascript
IFIP Working Group on Programming Language Design Pittsburgh, PA
October 2023 Guest Lecture Introduction to JavaScript and Asynchronous Control Flow
slides javascript promises
Guest Lecture in the course Comparative Programming Languages KU Leuven Leuven
June 2023 Seminar Trust through replication: research challenges in decentralized applications
slides web3 blockchain smart contracts
Joint DistriNet-COSIC-Bell Labs Workshop on Security, Privacy & Verifiable Computing Leuven
April 2023 Seminar Exploring the design space of smart contract languages
slides web3 smart contracts
IFIP Working Group on Programming Language Design Delft
November 2022 Seminar Object-capability security for JavaScript applications
slides video recording javascript security
Seminar on Cybersecurity at KU Leuven Leuven
November 2022 Seminar Secure and dependable software services for the Internet of Value
slides web3 smart contracts
My inaugural lecture at KU Leuven Leuven
January 2022 Conference Talk A Practitioner’s Guide to Hardened JavaScript
slides video recording javascript security smart contracts
Blue Lava JavaScript Web3 Conference Virtual
May 2021 Conference Talk Architecting robust JS apps: a practitioner’s guide to Secure ECMAScript
slides javascript security
Techorama IT Conference Virtual
February 2021 Seminar The Future of Software Development
slides video recording software engineering machine learning
Building the Network for the Cloud Nokia student seminar Antwerp
January 2021 Conference Talk A gentle introduction to Digital Currencies and Smart Contracts
slides smart contracts ethereum solidity
IFIP Working Group on Programming Language Design Virtual
June 2020 Conference Talk Architecting robust JavaScript applications
slides video recording javascript security 2020 Virtual
October 2019 Conference Talk Pair Programming with an AI? Augmenting Software Developers with Machine Learning
video recording software engineering machine learning
Bell Labs Unix50 Murray-hill, NJ
October 2019 Seminar Architecting robust JavaScript applications
slides javascript security
Peopleware ICTech Day Antwerp
June 2019 Conference Talk Browsing NPM packages more effectively with Code Compass
slides machine learning software engineering javascript Bruges
May 2018 Workshop Streaming all the data: JavaScript for real-time data and video stream processing (tutorial on WorldWideStreams and XStream)
slides stream processing javascript Bruges
May 2018 Conference Talk Control-flow Goodness in Modern JavaScript
slides programming javascript
IFIP Working Group on Programming Language Design Antwerp
December 2018 Seminar Will software developers soon be replaced by AI? The sense and nonsense of Artificial Programming
slides artificial intelligence program synthesis
FWO Kennismakers Antwerp
Aug 2017 Conference Talk XStream: Declarative authoring of distributed stream processing pipelines (Or, embedded DSLs make for great stream processing APIs)
slides stream processing javascript
IFIP Working Group on Programming Language Design Park City
June 2017 Conference Talk From Documents to Dialogues: scripting the Conversational Web using Chatbots
slides chatbots Bruges
April 2017 Keynote From Documents to Dialogues: Programming Technology for the Conversational Web
slides chatbots
ProWeb 17 (workshop at <Programming> 2017) Brussels
December 2016 Seminar Microservices and docker: from theory to practice
slides microservices DevOps
KULeuven KULAK Postgraduate Centre seminar on microservices Kortrijk
May 2016 Conference Talk ECMAScript 2015 and beyond
slides programming javascript Belgian JavaScript User Group meetup Brussels
May 2016 Keynote Control Flow Goodness in ECMAScript 2015 and Beyond
slides programming javascript Bruges
April 2016 Guest Lecture Virtualizing The Object (aka the JavaScript Meta-object Protocol)
slides reflection javascript
Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Programming paradigms course Louvain-la-Neuve
March 2016 Seminar Writing Robust JavaScript Code using Modern JavaScript
slides security javascript
SecAppDev (Secure Application Development) and Belgian OWASP chapter meetup Leuven
October 2015 Conference Talk ECMAScript 2015: the Future of JavaScript is Now!
slides video recording javascript programming
SPLASH 2015 Industry Track Pittsburgh
September 2015 Seminar ECMAScript 6: the Future of JavaScript is Now!
slides javascript programming
Ordina JOIN’15 developer event Mechelen
April 2015 Keynote The road to ES6, and beyond: a tale about JavaScript’s past, present and future
slides javascript programming Bruges
September 2014 Invited Talk ECMAScript 5 and 6: the present and future of JavaScript
slides javascript programming
Cegeka Leuven
July 2014 Seminar Membranes as Ownership Boundaries
slides javascript security
Dagstuhl Seminar on Scripting Languages and Frameworks Dagstuhl
March 2014 Keynote JavaScript: the Good, the Bad, the Strict and the New Parts
slides javascript programming
First Bruges
February 2014 Seminar Writing Robust JavaScript Code
slides javascript security
SecAppDev (Secure Application Development) seminar Leuven
October 2013 Seminar Bitcoin: payments at the scale and speed of the Internet
slides bitcoin
Steering Committee meeting of the MobiCraNT research project Brussels
July 2013 Seminar When Peer-to-peer meets Money: an introduction to Bitcoin
slides bitcoin
Software Languages Lab research seminar, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Brussels
July 2013 Conference Talk Trustworthy Proxies: virtualizing objects with invariants
slides javascript reflection
ECOOP, the European Conference on Object-oriented Programming Montpellier
March 2013 Seminar JavaScript: the Good, the Bad, the Strict and the Secure Parts
slides javascript security
SecAppDev (Secure Application Development) seminar Leuven
December 2012 Conference Talk Tradeoffs in language design: the case of Javascript proxies
slides javascript reflection
IFIP Working Group on programming language design Austin, TX
June 2012 Tutorial The Javascript Meta-object Protocol
slides javascript reflection
ECOOP 2012 Summer School Peking
June 2012 Keynote AmbientTalk: Modern Actors for Modern Networks
slides ambienttalk distributed systems
Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs (FTfJP) at ECOOP 2012 Peking
May 2012 Lecture Clojure in a nutshell, a 2-hour introductory lecture to the Clojure programming language
slides clojure functional programming
Vrije Universiteit Brussel Brussels
February 2012 Conference Talk Evolution in Programming Language Design?
slides programming languages
IFIP Working Group on Language Design London
February 2012 Conference Talk Experiments with MapReduce in Erlang
slides erlang distributed systems
Erlang Factory Lite Brussels



  • Communicating Event Loops in Javascript - a lighting talk given at a Server-Side Javascript Developer Meetup in San Francisco, USA, January 2010. Thanks to Kris Kowal for uploading a video of the talk.

Communicating Event Loops from Kris Kowal on Vimeo.






  • Ambient-Oriented Programming - Lab for Software Composition and Decomposition, ULB, Brussels, Belgium, December 2005
  • Abstractions for Context-aware Object References, presentation at the Building Software for Pervasive Computing workshop at OOPSLA05, October 2005, San Diego, California, USA
  • A Meta-architecture for Ambient-aware Objects, presentation at the first Workshop on Object Technology for Ambient Intelligence at ECOOP05, July 2005, Glasgow, Scotland